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Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy In The Home Setting

Occupational Therapy in the Home Setting

OTs often work where it matters most – by delivering occupational therapy in the home, including assisted living environments. For many OTs, being invited into a family’s home is a privilege that allows them to see the full picture of daily life and build meaningful

Occupational Therapy In A Park Setting

Occupational Therapy in a Park Setting: A Client Story

As we continue to celebrate and recognise the impactful work of OTs throughout OT Week, today we’re sharing a story about occupational therapy in a park setting. Jo’s experience as an OT is unique and spans continents, cultures, and clients of all ages and complexities.

Occupational Therapy For Autistic Children: A Client Story Mental Health Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy for Autistic Children: A Client Story

21-27 October is OT week and we’re sharing real-life stories of how occupational therapy for autistic children can change lives. Today, we share how Taylor, one of our experienced OTs and Adaptability Therapy’s Deputy Paediatric OT Lead, used a combination of clinic-based therapy and telehealth

Prepping For Prep Mental Health Occupational Therapy

Prepping For Prep

Is my child ready to start school? We know what a huge step starting school is for children and families! A hot topic at this time of year for both parents and occupational therapists alike, is whether our children are ready to make the transition

Aphasia – What You Should Know Mental Health Occupational Therapy

Aphasia – what you should know

“I know what I want to say, but I just can’t say it” Aphasia is a language disorder that is caused by a dysfunction in the brain. It can negatively impact all modalities of language: Speaking Understanding Reading Writing Individuals with aphasia might use their

Co-Op Approach – Another Tool In Our Ot Toolbox Mental Health Occupational Therapy

CO-OP Approach – another tool in our OT toolbox

At Adaptability Therapy, we strive to ensure our therapists are providing up to date and evidence based therapies. Our team of paediatric Occupational Therapists have recently taken part in training for the CO-OP Approach – Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance Approach (CO-OP; CO-OP ApproachTM).