Mental Health Occupational Therapy: Supporting the Whole Person
By Jane Anderson, Deputy OT Lead & Mental Health Team Lead, Senior Occupational
By Jane Anderson, Deputy OT Lead & Mental Health Team Lead, Senior Occupational
OTs often work where it matters most – by delivering occupational therapy in
As we continue to celebrate and recognise the impactful work of OTs throughout
21-27 October is OT week and we’re sharing real-life stories of how occupational
What is Sounds Write? Sounds Write is an evidence-based literacy program initially developed
School holidays roll around so quickly! By the end of term, lots of
“I know what I want to say, but I just can’t say it”
Alternative and Augmentative Communication, or AAC, is the term used to describe any
At Adaptability Therapy, we strive to ensure our therapists are providing up to
Did you know? Falls are Australia’s largest contributor to hospitalised injuries. Falls are
Most of us will experience physical pain at some point in our lives.